Industries Which Blockchain Can be Used in

Among other things, blockchain can be used to store and protect wealth. It can also be used to store information in the supply chain and for banking purposes. It can also be used for healthcare.


Using blockchain can transform the healthcare industry by providing secure data sharing, tracking and authorization. By enabling secure, collaborative connections between health systems, the technology can increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of care. However, the current healthcare system is not transparent and is vulnerable to hacking and data theft.

Blockchain can help tie together complex healthcare systems, improve the traceability of drugs from manufacturer to patient, and make health information technology interoperable. It also has the potential to reduce miscommunications and misdiagnosis, which can result in faster and more accurate care.

However, before the healthcare industry can fully use blockchain, it will need to address technical challenges. For example, gaining control of a majority of nodes in the network would be difficult. The technology is also vulnerable to zero day attacks, social engineering and bugs.

Blockchains can also be used to create secure health records. The technology allows patients to share medical information with researchers, doctors and public health officials. Patients can also set up time-limited access for third-party services, giving explicit consent for when their medical records are shared.

One of the leading examples of using blockchain is the MediLedger Network, created by Chronicled. The network uses blockchain technology to bring together healthcare institutions and trading partners. It also allows participants to verify medicine expiration dates and package provenance.

In addition, the MediLedger Network helps reduce counter-party risks of data sharing. It also allows all participants to automatically enforce standards. It also helps keep patient data secure and private.

In addition, the nationwide blockchain-enabled healthcare network is being developed to create an environment of “connect once to many.” This creates a secure, frictionless connection between healthcare organizations and consumers.


Using blockchain technology in banking is a good way to streamline processes and reduce costs. The technology can also increase security and ensure privacy.

Banks are increasingly looking for ways to reduce costs, improve security and increase efficiency. A number of financial services are investing in blockchain projects.

For instance, Ripple has built a blockchain-based solution for banks, providing a faster two-way communication protocol. Banks are also using the technology for trade finance and for KYC compliance. In addition, the technology is expected to improve speed and accuracy in payments and processing.

A new report from Deloitte examines the role of blockchain in banking. According to the report, “blockchain is a promising technology that can have a major impact on the financial services sector. A number of criteria must be met to make this technology a mainstream solution.”

The most significant impact of blockchain is likely to be the reduction in costs. Banks can lower costs by eliminating third parties and reducing the fees associated with asset transfers.

There are a number of other applications that have been developed to use the technology. Some examples include Blockapps and Corda. The latter is a platform for developers to build decentralized applications.

Blockchain technology can also secure complex loan structures. The technology provides a tamper-proof record of all transactions. This can make it easier to locate documentation and track down errors.

Banks can also use blockchain technology to verify identity and reduce the cost of KYC. The technology allows banks to streamline processes, such as applying for loans, and make them faster and more secure. It can also reduce the cost of asset exchanges, as well as improve trade efficiency.

Supply chain

Using a Blockchain can improve collaboration, communication and transparency in supply chain. The technology can digitilize paper-based processes, improve visibility and reduce waste. It also integrates data, documentation and insurance, and improves working capital.

A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that stores every transaction as a series of blocks. Each block is sequentially linked to the next in the chain. The blocks hold copies of documents, software code, or other forms of data. The chain is encrypted to prevent tampering.

A Blockchain in supply chain management is a decentralized digital ledger that holds all of the supply chain transactions, including agreements between supply chain partners. It also allows for the auditability of the transaction flow, and provides complete trust between the parties.

It can also be used to store large amounts of data, and can track numerous stakeholders. It integrates with process automation, IoT and other technologies. It is also a good way to track the origin of a product.

The technology can also be used to create smart contracts, or contracts automatically trigger actions when certain events occur. Using a smart contract in supply chain management can reduce third-party costs and encourage all parties to meet obligations.

The technology has also been used to track defective goods, which can be tracked by the supplier or customer. These problems can cost thousands of dollars in lost production time.

A distributed network of computers stores the data in the blocks. This makes it all but impossible to tamper with the data.

The technology can also be used to track information flow, which can be lost in emails or misinterpreted by different parties. The most impressive thing about this technology is that it provides a single source of truth for all transactions.


Adding blockchain to the IoT ecosystem makes it easier for data access and reliability. In addition, it improves the scalability of the IoT infrastructure. But, the integration of IoT with blockchain has been difficult because of the resource-constrained architecture of IoT.

IoT gateways, which act as bridges between IoT devices and the internet, are generally small devices. Those gateways do not provide the storage space and bandwidth required for practical IoT networks. This creates a logistical nightmare for health care workers.

Adding a blockchain to an IoT network is beneficial because it eliminates the need for intermediate devices for data exchange. This also reduces the amount of time required to process data.

Blockchain networks are secure and reliable. In addition, they are highly resistant to tampering. This can be very important for business optimization. In fact, it has been used in the logistics, supply chains, and smart homes sectors.

A new security protocol is developed in blockchain technologies, which helps secure IoT devices and ensure that the data is legitimate. This security protocol helps protect IoT networks from botnet driven DDoS attacks.

In this framework, the IoT device owner inputs information about the device through a client application. The server then uses a smart contract to register the device. The device owner can then create tasks and deploy them to specific devices. When the task is complete, the target device returns the execution result to the server. The server then appends the transaction to the blockchain network. The transaction is reflected in the ledger in seconds.

The proposed framework uses a distributed trust model to reduce the block validation processing time. This provides better fault tolerance and ensures that the proposed system is compatible with the blockchain network.

By Extensinet